Friday, May 21, 2010

June Crop Mob!

Saturday, June 12th
Starting at 9 a.m.
New Mexican Lavender
3445 Calle Bedado
(1 mile north of Route 70)

We'll help grower Joan Keif harvest lavender that she uses to create various hand-made products.
Learn more about New Mexican Lavender at

Potluck to follow, please bring a dish to share!
No experience necessary! All ages are welcome! No need to RSVP!

As always, direct your questions to or ask for Eric or Maria at (575) 523-2219.

Want to be added to our e-mail list? E-mail us at

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Next Mob!!!

Mobbers get ready for another great day in the dirt! Coming soon to a farm near you!!!

-June 12th-

Thanks everyone, who came out to our first Mob. It was a modest but dedicated crew that gathered at Fairlight Community Gardens for our first attempt at this new community effort. We even had a very dedicated Mobber come all the way from Texas (that is a whole other state mind you, with an accent all its own) well, our sister city, El Paso!

It was a great day, nice weather, good conversation, lots of seeding and planting and to top it off some great dishes to chow down on.

I keep wanting to say it worked: people gathered together and communed and gardened. We learned about one another from one another, lent our hands, ideas and time and made the world a little greener. Wow!

Of course it worked, this is nothing new, just a bit rusty. The analogy of the old fashion barn raising keeps popping up as an explanation of what this is; a community gathered together on a certain day lent a hand and skill at doing what might otherwise be a near impossible task. Well, these Mobbings aren't taking on the near impossible but they sure do make quick and light work of the task at hand. And, more importantly they are opportunities to gather together with other members of our community who probably feel similar to you. People who want to get in touch with dirt, literally. Who care about the local food system; where our food comes from, how it is grown and who it is that is doing the growing.

But hey these are just one persons ideas. What are your ideas? What do you think about local food? What do you think about the farmer that grows our food? What makes a community rich?

These questions and more - more weed pulling, seed planting and other mysterious wonders of growing in the southern desert.

Mob it!!!